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About us

私たちは Gado-gado のように多様な人々と関わってそれぞれの得意なことを活かし、一人一人の「ごちゃ混ぜ」の魅力を一つの作品にし、パフォーマンスで表現していきたい。多様な個性を大切にしながら作品づくりを行うことで、新たな共創社会の実現に寄与していきます。
Gado-gado is a salad that means "mashup" in Indonesian. Sprinkle sweet and spicy peanut sauce on hot vegetables and eat with rice or Indonesian-style dumplings.
We would like to interact with a diverse array of people like Gado-gado and make the best use of their respective strengths to create an artwork and express the charm of each person's "mashup" in our performances. We will contribute to the realization of a co-creating society by creating works while valuing diverse personalities.
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